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开云全站-箱体阶梯式挡土墙钢模具 宏旭模具 阶梯式挡土墙钢模板【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

      箱体阶梯式挡土墙钢模具 宏旭模具 阶梯式挡土墙钢模板 箱体阶梯式挡土墙钢模具 宏旭模具 阶梯式挡土墙钢模板

箱体阶梯式挡土墙钢模具  宏旭模具  阶梯式挡土墙钢模板

A special steel mould for box stepped retaining wall, with the main dimension of 1000* 450 * 300mm, 2000 * 1000 * 500mm, the mold made of new technology and equipment, wi����ȫվ.txtth smooth inner lines, clear lines, soft and easy to demould, never deform, fine texture, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, acid and alkali resistance, non expansion, good shrinkage, good tensile force and elasticity, strong tearing resistance, not only make your product beautiful, still very soft, simulation effect is very good, mold closing The process is simple, the finished product has no mould line, and has long repeated service life. Applicable to: Road, river, lake, pond, fish pond, road surrounding, homestead, building surrounding and other civil engineering, with the function of preventing landslides and landslides, it is a new type of green environmental protection product, applicable to all areas with poor soil quality, poor ground endurance and prone to earthquake.

What are the characteristics of steel mould products for box stepped retaining wall? Here is a detailed introduction.

1. Ecological and environmental protection: the retaining wall not only meets the use function, but also takes into account the coordination with the surrounding environment, and reduces the slope instability and erosion through the combination of plants and civil engineering.

2. Standard manufacturing: modular design, standardized mold production, factory prefabrication, field assembly, good product consistency. Lay a good foundation for the standardized construction of products. The facade of the whole construction is consistent and regular with small error.

3. Fast construction: the traditional stone retaining wall needs more manpower on site, the construction progress is slow, time-consuming and labor-consuming, and the cost is high. The box retaining wall adopts assembly construction, with the speed 10-20 times of the traditional way, to ensure the construction progress and reduce the construction cost.

4. High safety: the traditional stone retaining wall is brittle connection, easy to crack and collapse in case of uneven settlement. The steel mould of the box stepped retaining wall adopts the flexible connection of bolts, with good integrity, good deformation resistance and high safety factor.

上一篇:开云全站-河北 护坡六角模具 塑料六角护坡模具 可定制【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:开云全站-贵州石膏线模具 雕花石膏线模具 花角平线硅胶模具 全国直供 石膏线模具 专业生产【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】