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您所在的位置:首页›› 开云全站新闻›› 行业新闻›› 开云全站-阶梯式河道护坡护岸模具 宏旭模具 河道阶梯式护岸模板【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

开云全站-阶梯式河道护坡护岸模具 宏旭模具 河道阶梯式护岸模板【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

      阶梯式河流护坡护岸模具 宏旭模具 河流阶梯式护岸模板 阶梯式河道护坡护岸模具 宏旭模具 河道阶梯式护岸模板

阶梯式河流护坡护岸模具  宏旭模具 河流阶梯式护岸模板

河流阶梯式护岸模具 生态**景不雅护岸挡墙护坡模具、生态框挡土墙模具、阶梯式挡墙模具、裂缝式挡墙模具、箱型生态挡墙砌块模具、预制空箱砌块挡土墙模具、植生挡土墙模具、自嵌式挡土墙模具、挡土墙模具,此新型模具来自在日本,引进**设计道理制成! 此模具建造的水泥材质,合用在:河流、水池、鱼塘等处所利用,水泥件为空心、周围带孔,将水泥件安装在水面以下,空心箱体内的裂缝为鱼虾供给保存、繁衍空间,让水更清,水位线上可填土载重植物Channel step revetment mould Eco environmental protection landscape revetment retaining wall slope protection mold, eco frame retaining wall mold, ladder type retaining wall mold, gap type retaining wall mold, box type ecological retaining wall block mold, prefabricated empty box block retaining wall mold, planting retaining wall mold, self embedded retaining wall mold, retaining wall mold. This new mold is from Japan and made by introducing foreign design principles! The cement made by this mold is suitable for: River, pond, fish pond and other places. The cement parts are hollow with holes around. The cement parts are installed below the water surface. The gaps in the hollow bo����ȫվ.txtx provide living and breeding space for fish and shrimps, making the water clearer. The water level line can be filled with load-bearing plants

上一篇:开云全站-ADAM 下一篇:开云全站-家用预制漏粪板模具 养殖场预制漏粪板模具定做 天利【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】