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      宏旭-阶梯箱型砌块模具-阶梯式箱型砌块模具 宏旭-阶梯箱型砌块模具-阶梯式箱型砌块模具


阶梯箱型砌块模具有钢模具和玻璃钢模具两部门共同利用,玻璃钢模具用来建造斑纹部门。阶梯箱型砌块模具的设计道理来自日本,国内引进手艺,专业的手艺人员不竭研发改良设计出了加倍简练便利的设计方案,将模具固定的螺丝削减,改良后的模具在组装拆模方面简单化,几分钟的时候便可以完成,如许以来年夜年夜提高了出产效力,工人操作也便利。There are two parts of ladder box block mold: steel mold and glass fiber reinforced plastic mold. The design principle of the ladder box block mold is from Japan. The domestic technology is introduced, and the professional technicians constantly develop and improve the design, and design a more concise and convenient design scheme. The screw fixed in the mold is reduced, and the improved mold is simplified in assembly and removal, which can be com����ȫվ.txtpleted in a few minutes. Thus, the production efficiency is greatly improved and the operation of workers is convenient.

上一篇:开云全站-储物盒模具供应商【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:开云全站-油桶注射模具 生产【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】