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      宏旭-阶梯式生态框模具-水泥生态框模具 宏旭-阶梯式生态框模具-水泥生态框模具


阶梯式生态框模具是依照当前对混凝土生态护坡构件的需求量而成长起来的一种模具,依照阶梯式生态框模具的建造要求,常常都是以**尺寸呈现的,可是假如需要定制分歧的尺寸,需要施工单元供给具体的图纸才可以。阶梯式生态框模具的成长是以小型塑料模具到此刻的年夜型钢模具进程,全部进程不单单是模具出产手艺的前进,更首要的是生态情况对护坡预制块的需求改变了,由于良多工程为了美不雅、**、简单、适用型等特点毗连在一路,所以厂家为了知足这类需求,开辟了两种生态框护坡模具,一种是平铺式生态护坡模具,这类也称之为框格护坡,一般尺寸是以108*108为主,厚度有分歧的选择,好比50、30、20厘米等,经常使用的是30厘米的。另外一种是阶梯式生态框模具,首要尺寸是以鱼塘、河流等分歧的尺寸,而常见的尺寸是200*100*50厘米的。依照生态框预制块的建造要求,常常采取C30以上的混凝土。The ladder type ecological frame mold is a kind of mold developed according to the current demand for concrete ecological slope protection components. According to the production requirements of the ladder type ecological frame mold, it is often in standard size. However, if different sizes need to be customized, the construction unit needs to provide detailed drawings. The development of ladder type ecological frame mold is a process from small plastic mold to large steel mold now. The whole process is not only the progress of mold production technology, but also the demand of ecological environment for slope protection precast block has changed. Because many projects are connected together for beautiful, environmental protection, simple, practical and other characteristics, the manufacturer develops in order to meet this demand There are two kinds of ecological frame slope protection molds. One is tile type ecological slope protection mold, which is also known as frame slope protection. The general size is 108 * 108, and the thickness has different choices, such as 50 cm, 30 cm, 20 cm, etc and the commonly used one is 30 cm. The other is the ladder type ecological frame mold. The main dimensions are different sizes of fish pond and river, and the common size is 200 * 100 * 50 cm. According to the production requirements of ecological frame precast block, C30 concrete is often used.


上一篇:开云全站-佛山市南海区里水超艺五金模具厂 下一篇:开云全站-重庆 圆弧路沿石塑料模具 路缘石预制模具 可定制【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】