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      宏旭-高速盖板模具-高速公路盖板模具 宏旭-高速盖板模具-高速公路盖板模具


高速盖板模具,尺寸:75*50*10缺口盖板,塑料材质:ABS,工艺:注塑工艺,色彩:白色,合用地址:高速盖板模具根本扶植利用,首要功能:水沟水沟盖板预制。高铁和铁路的扶植可以说是日渐兴盛繁华,在对圆点铁标高速盖板模具上的规格巨细也转变极年夜,这边盖板模具在高度长进行必然的更改,**为常见的高速盖板模具的高度上年夜多以5cm之间,这款圆点塑料盖板模具在高度上设计为2.5cm,其实不由于建筑工程的偷工减料,而是利用强度更好、更高的水泥原料。圆点带铁标台阶石模具在设计上除带有利用场地的特点外,高速盖板模具在对台阶石模具的设计上带有小圆点设计,对行人在行走进程中,能有用的增年夜鞋面与地面的接触能力,增年夜磨擦性,更多知足客户的需求,模具注塑原料上采取PP聚丙烯塑料为首要注塑原料,高速盖板模具聚丙烯具有较强韧性,对塑料模具在后期利用上能较为便当的进行出产,不迟误施工方的工作。High speed cover mold, size: 75 * 50 * 10 notch cover plate, plastic material: ABS, process: injection molding process, color: white, applicable location: high speed cover mold infrastructure use, main function: ditch cover plate prefabrication. The construction of high-speed rail and railway can be said to be increasingly prosperous. The size of the mould for high-speed cover plate on the dot iron standard has also changed greatly. The mold height of the most common high-speed cover plate is mostly between 5cm. The height of this round point plastic cover plate mold is designed to be 2.5cm, which is not reduced due to the construction project Cement materials with better strength and higher strength are used. In addition to the characteristics of the use site, the high-speed cover plate mold has a small round point design in the design of the terrace stone mold. For pedestrians in the process of walking, it can effectively increase the contact ability between the upper and the ground, increase the friction, and more meet the needs of customers, PP polypropylene is used as the main injection material in the injection mold. The high-speed cover plate mold polypropylene has strong toughness, which can facilitate the production of the plastic mold����ȫվ.txt in the later use, without delaying the work of the construction party.

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