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      宏旭-混凝土铁路立柱塑料模具-混凝土立柱模具 宏旭-混凝土铁路立柱塑料模具-混凝土立柱模具


he plastic mold part of high-speed column is divided into upper and lower sections. The upper section is a plastic mold with "no entry" printed on it. The size is 95.4 * 18 * 18cm, and it is equipped with column cap, cushion block, in����ȫվ.txtsert and other small accessories. The lower section is a embedded cement column with 27 cm difference between the upper and lower steps, with column ears in the shape of high and low shoulders, and the size is 142 * 18 * 18 cm. The plastic material used in the plastic mold of the whole section of high-speed column is made of Engineering ABS material, which has a significant effect on improving the quality of cement pouring products and the quantity of repeated construction.

上一篇:开云全站-石膏线模具 石膏线 建材**石膏模具 石膏线模具厂家 大板线模具 **优惠 欢迎下单【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:开云全站-半圆钢【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】