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      宏旭-防滑步行板塑料模具-防滑步道板塑料模具 宏旭-防滑步行板塑料模具-防滑步道板塑料模具


防滑步行板塑料模具本厂出产步道板塑料模具桥梁步道板塑料模具,桥墩步道板塑料模具,铁路步道板塑料模具,人行步道板塑料模具,高速步道板塑料模具,水泥步道板塑料模具,混凝土步道板塑料模具,预制步道板塑料模具,防滑步道板塑料模具,高铁步道板塑料模具,铁路扇叶步道板塑料模具,圆柱墩步板塑料模具,弧形步板塑料模具,铁路步行板塑料模具,高铁步行板塑料模具,桥梁步行板塑料模具,高速步行板塑料模具,水泥步行板塑料模具,混凝土步行板塑料模具,预制步行板塑料模具,防滑步行板塑料模具,步道板模具是一种专弟子产水槽的模具,是一种塑料模具,他在利用进程中要留意几点:放置预制件的场地必需平整 预制之前步道板模具内须擦脱模剂或脱模油 装有混凝土的模具必需放平整 制止在4度以下预制构件 脱模后临时不消的步道板模具必需在清算后摆放整洁.避免变形 脱模时利用的敲击东西必需是木锤或皮锤 Our factory produces plastic molds for anti-skid walking slabs. Our factory produces plastic moulds for footbridges, bridge piers, railroads, pedestrians, high-speed, cement, concrete, prefabricated footpath, anti-skid and high-speed railway Plastic mold, plastic mold of railway fan leaf walking board, cylindrical pier walking board, arc-shaped walking board, railway walking board, high-speed railway walking board, bridge walking board, high-speed walking board, cement walking board, concrete walking board, prefabricated walking board and anti-skid walking board Footpath board mold is a kind of mold specially used to produce water tank and a kind of plastic mold. He should pay attention to several points in the process of using: the site for placing prefabricated parts must be flat. Before prefabrication, the mold of footpath board should be wiped with release agent or oil. The mould containing concrete must be laid flat. It is forbidden to prefabricate the components below 4 degrees. The footpath mould which is not used temporarily after demou����ȫվ.txtlding must be placed in order after cleaning to prevent deformation. The percussion tool used in demoulding must be wooden hammer or leather hammer.

上一篇:开云全站-江苏预制隔离墩模具飞皇模具厂【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】 下一篇:开云全站-高速U型槽模具报价 复合U型槽模具型号 天利 预制U型槽模具定做【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】